Patch 5.4: PTR Build 17227 ³

Patch 5.4 OG

In den nächsten Stunden wird der Build 17227 auf die Testserver für den kommenden Patch 5.4 aufgespielt. Dieses neue Update bringt neben weiteren Klassenänderungen auch wieder einige neue Ladebildschirme und Gegenstände mit sich.

Highlights aus diesem Build:

Neue Reittiere:

Iron Juggernaut Mount

Kor’Kron Proto-Drake Mount

Neuer Ladebildschirm:


Neue Karte:



Death Knight

  • Scent of Blood (New) Your successful main-hand autoattacks, dodges and parries have a chance to increase the healing and minimum healing done by your next Death Strike within 20 sec by 20%, and to generate 10 Runic Power. This effect stacks up to 5 times. Death Knight – Blood Spec.
  • Glyph of Swift Death had a 0 value fixed.
  • Glyph of the Loud Horn had a 0 value fixed.Major Glyph.[/ins]


  • Savage Defense now has 3 charges.
  • Glyph of Nature’s Grasp now reduces the cooldown of Nature’s Grasp by 45 sec, down from 60 sec.


  • Disengage no longer lists a combat restriction.
  • Enduring Deceit (New) Major Glyph. Instant.
  • Glyph of Enduring Deceit (New) Camouflage also reduces spell damage taken by 10%. Major Glyph.
  • Glyph of Mending was updated to have the intended effect.
  • Glyph of the Lean Pack (New) Reduces the radius of Aspect of the Pack by 7. Major Glyph.
  • Lean Pack (New) Major Glyph. Instant.
  • Chameleon (New) Minor Glyph. Instant.
  • Focused Fire (New) Minor Glyph. Instant.
  • Glyph of Chameleon (NYI) (New) Focus Fire charges apply a visual to you for each charge active. Minor Glyph.
  • Glyph of Focused Fire (NYI) (New) Focus Fire charges apply a visual to you for each charge active. Minor Glyph.


  • Ice Lance damage and SP scaling was increased by 15%.
  • Ice Floes now has 3 charges with a 20 sec recharge time.
  • Frostbolt no longer provides a debuff that increases the damage of other spells.
  • Mastery: Icicles no longer gains charges from Waterbolt. Icicles duration increased to 30 sec, up from 15. Now also increases the damage of your Water Elemental’s Waterbolt by 14%.


  • Chi Burst lists a base damage once again.
  • Zen Sphere base damage and healing increased by 15%.
  • Chi Brew now restores 2 Chi, and generates 5 stacks of Elusive Brew. Maximum 2 charges. No longer has 1.5 min cooldown.
  • Chi Burst lists a base damage once again.
  • Rushing Jade Wind now has a 2 sec cooldown.
  • Zen Sphere base damage and healing increased by 15%.
  • Glyph of Detox had a 0 value fixed.
  • Glyph of Nimble Brew had a 0 value fixed.


  • Sanctity of Battle (Protection) no longer affects Holy Shock.
  • Sanctity of Battle (Retribution) Melee haste effects lower the cooldown and global cooldown of your Holy Shock, Judgment, Crusader Strike, Hammer of the Righteous, Exorcism, and Hammer of Wrath.
  • Mastery: Illuminated Healing will now work with non-Eternal Flame periodic effects (e.g. Stay of Execution). Eternal
  • Glyph of Devotion Aura had a tooltip error fixed.


  • Angelic Feather now has 3 charges.
  • Lightspring was renamed back to Lightwell.
  • Glyph of Lightwell was reworked: Your Lightwell no longer automatically heals nearby targets, but can be clicked by players to restore [ 8,603 + 83% of Spell Power ] health every 2 for 6 sec.


  • Adrenaline Rush reduces the global cooldown of Sinister Strike, Revealing Strike, Eviscerate, Slice and Dice, and Rupture by 0.2 sec while active.


  • Totemic Restoration was renamed Totemic Persistence. Summoning a second totem of the same element no longer causes the first totem to be destroyed
  • Thunderstorm now restores 60% mana, up from 15%.


  • Soul Swap now has a 3 sec duration on the Soul Swap: Exhale buff, down from 6 sec.
  • Harvest Life was reworked: Increases the damage of your Drain Life spell by 50% and the healing of your Drain Life spell by 150%.
  • Soul Swap now has a 3 sec duration on the Soul Swap: Exhale buff, down from 6 sec.
  • Glyph of Drain Life no longer increases the healing from Harvest Life.
  • Glyph of Imp Swarm now summons 4 imps, down from 5.
  • Glyph of Unending Resolve had a tooltip error fixed.


  • Storm Bolt now stuns for 4 sec, up from 3.
  • Slam now has an Arms spec specific tooltip with additional effect: While Sweeping Strikes is active, 35% of damage dealt by Slam will also hit all all other enemies within 2 yards. No longer lists a cleave on the Prot tooltip.
  • Shield Block now has 2 charges.